Congratulations! The installation worked. You now have a fully functional installation of CMS Made Simple and you are almost ready to start building your site.
If you chose to install the default content, you will see numerous pages available to read. You should read them thoroughly as these default pages are devoted to showing you the basics of how to begin working with CMS Made Simple. On these example pages, templates, and stylesheets many of the features of the default installation of CMS Made Simple are described and demonstrated. You can learn much about the power of CMS Made Simple by absorbing this information.
To get to the Administration Console you have to login as the administrator (with the username/password you mentioned during the installation process) on your site at If this is your site click here to login.
Read about how to use CMS Made Simple in the documentation(external link). In case you need any help the community is always at your service, in the forum(external link) or the IRC(external link).
CMS Made Simple is released under the GPL(external link) license and as such you don't have to leave a link back to us in these templates or on your site as much as we would like it.
Some third party add-on modules may include additional license restrictions.
360 Motor Fleet Risk Management
Monitorizare GPS & Driver Behaviour
Flota auto ofera companiei mobilitate si timp castigat. Mobilitatea si timpul vor contribui mereu la profitul companiei, prin urmare este necesara protectia parcului auto prin intermediul unei asigurari facultative CASCO.Administrare daune (Self Insurance)
In cazul companiilor cu flote auto a carei daunalitate inregistrata este scazuta atat din punct de vedere al sumelor despagubite, cat si din punct de vedere al frecventei , se recomanda testarea unui program de Self Insurance.360 Asset Risk Management
Controlul si gestiunea daunelor
Societatea noastra ofera servicii integrate de consultanta, gestiune tehnica si management al daunelor.360 Employees Risk Management
Platforma de beneficii in asigurari pentru angajati
Angajatii companiilor de nivel mediu si mare pot beneficia de discounturi semnificative la asigurarile personale prin platforma TeAsiguri.ro360 Financial & Liability Risk Management
Evaluare expunere clienti/furnizori
Una dintre cele mai importante expuneri financiare pe care fiecare companie le are o reprezinta contractele cu clientii si furnizorii.Evaluare expuneri contractuale
Pierderile financiare pe care compania le poate suferi in urma unui proces civil sau pur si simplu in urma afectarii unei alte companii sau persoane fizice pot avea un impact major in destinul
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